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Dr. Lakshman's Vet Path Lab and Research Centre
Dr. Lakshman's Vet Path Lab and Research Centre (DLVPLRC)
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We are building a future
The Vet Lab Assistant
Get the most accurate test results with our state-of-the-art of fully automated haemato-biochemical analysers, molecular and hormonal assay systems.
Investigate quickly and accurately using our histopathology and cytopathology services.
Governed by an Eminent Qualified Expert Who has Over 30 years Diagnostic Service Exprience.

Focused Expertise
Benefit from comprehensive  and Spicialized approch in Pathology, Bio-chemistry, Microbiology,  Parasitology and other need full services to diagnose illnesses faster than ever before.

Accurate and reliable early digital detection of diseases cross checked by manual procedures by experts.

Why? Dr Lakshman's Vet Path Lab and Research Centre (DrLVPLRC)

1. To provide need based timely accurate diagnostic services to the practising Veterinarians
2. Reputed Expert Service Provider Under the Guidance of Fellow of Indian Association Veterinary Pathologists and Fellow of Electron Microscope Society of India.
3. Qualified and Experienced Supporting Staff.
4. Advanced Technical Information System with Intervention and Interaction with Practising Veterinarians by Lab Experts
5. Online Reporting System with Clear Opinion of Experts
6. We have Latest State of Art of Veterinary Specific Equipment
7. Our Routine and Specialised Services:

    • Histopathology      
    • Molecular Pathology     
    • Organ Specific Need Based Marker Studies
    • US Guided Biopsy            
    • Digital X-ray         
    • Diagnostic Cytology
    • UltraSonography   
    • 2DEHO       
    • Specialized Platform Tests
    • Postmortem Services Veterolegal and Veterinary Forensic Pathology Services                

We Have a Laboratory Technician with a Fully Automated Lab Equipment System

Biochemistry Analyser
Fully automated wet biochemistry analyser 200 parameters per hour.
Blood Mixture
Fully automated vacutainer (blood) mixture.
Electrolytes Analyser
Fully automated Electrolytes analyser (Wet Chemistry)
Haematology Analyser
Fully automated haematology analyser (Wet) Veterinary Specific including laboratory animals.
Haematology & Biochemistry Analyzer
Fully automated blood, serum and hormonal (Dry haematology and biochemistry) analyzer. Veterinary specific.
Serum Analyser
Fully automated serum Analyser (Dry-chemistry), Veterinary specific.
Fully automated centrifuge with 16 Vials capacity.
Manual Haematology Unit
Manual haematology unit, to counter check the values and Abnormal morphology analysis, including DLC, Haemoprotozoan parasites, thrombocyte count.
Manual staining unit for FNAC
Manual staining unit for FNAC, Diagnostic Cytology, Liquid Biopsy, Blood smear standing.
Greetings to every one, I am happy to share my earned knowledge over 30 years of experience in various fields  with Practising Veterinarians  though a specialised Diagnostic Laboratory as a Freelancer Expert Scientist / Renowned Teachers in Veterinary Pathology. The Laboratory name is “Dr. Lakshman's Vet Path Lab and Research Centre (DrLVPLRC)”  keeping vast experience in the Field (AHD), Teaching, Research and Extension (University) in Veterinary Profession. Due to prevailing situations and challenges in the profession there is a need to have  full-fledged Disease Diagnostic Laboratory with Advanced Diagnostic Tools like fully automated bulk Hemato-biochemical analysers, Electrolyte and Blood Gas analysers  (Both Wet and Dry Chemistry), qRTPCR, ELISA, Histopathology, Immunohistochemistry, 2D-ECHO, Digital X-ray, Ultrasonography, Laparoscopy, need based Biopsy Techniques, Bone Marrow Examination (BME), Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination (CSF), Synovial Fluid Examination (SFE) and abnormal Effusions / Exudate or Transudate Fluid Examination (Bronchial, Pericardial, Abdominal, Pelvic etc.,) by using advanced Light Microscopy (LM - Digital Whole Slide Scanner), in Hyderabad. Due to increasing opportunities in private sector many qualified Veterinarians are setting of their own Clinics, Pet Hospitals, Veterinary Consultancy Service Centers etc. All are welcome to use the Expert Services at “ Dr.Lakshman's Vet Path Lab & Research Centre (DrLVPLRC)”  in Hyderabad at any time. Also request to refer our services to others for Accurate, Reliable and Disease Diagnosis and Timely Results.

Freelancer Veterinary Pathologist and Independent Researcher
Professor and Head and Officer-in-charge of Ruska Labs - (Rtd)
(Electron Microscope Laboratory)
Department of Veterinary Pathology
College of Veterinary Science
P.V.Narsimha Rao Telangana  Veterinary University (PVNRTVU)

Registered Laboratory with all Government Approvals and Dedicated for Quality Veterinary Diagnostic Services.
Governed by an Eminent Qualified Expert Pathologist Who has Over 30 years Diagnostic Service experience (Retired Professor and Head of Veterinary Pathology and Electron Microscopy Expert) and Qualified and Experienced Laboratory Technicians First of its kind in the State of Telangana in the Animal Health Sector. Only One registered Startup Research Centre Associated with Animal Disease Diagnosis.
  • To provide need based timely accurate diagnostic services to the practising Veterinarians.
  • Reputed Expert Service Provider Under the Guidance of Fellow of Indian Association Veterinary Pathologists and Fellow of Electron Microscope Society of India.
  • Qualified and Experienced Staff in Pathology, Bio-Chemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology and Molecular Diagnostics.


Brief Profile
Born on 20th February, 1963 in an illiterate family, downtrodden community of a remote village in District Karimnagar. Superannuated as Professor and Head & Officer-in-Charge of Ruska Labs on 28th February, 2023 after 24 years of glorious service in teaching profession. Obtained BVSc & AH and MVSc (Veterinary Pathology)  degrees  from APAU, Hyderabad in 1987 and 1994 respectively. Did PhD in Veterinary Pathology from College of Veterinary Sciences, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati in 2011. Cleared the NET / ARS in the year 1994. Initially, served in Poultry Sector (1989-99) and in Department of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon from 1994-1999 and played a pivotal role in launching of mass deworming programme of sheep and goats in Karimnagar district at Janma Bhoomi Programme in the year 1997 by explaining its importance to the then Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh which is still in practice. Conducted mass vaccination and sero-monitoring programme of Operation Rinderpest Zero (ORZ). Retendered service in the University as Assistant Professor (13-08-1999 to 28-10-2012) subsequently, selected (Direct) as Associate Professor & Officer-in-charge (29-10-2012 to 30-10-2015) and further, promoted (CAS) as Professor and Head & Officer-in-charge from to 31-10-2015 to 28-02-2023 (Superannuated on attaining the age of 60 years).

          As an Eminent Veterinary Pathologist (As per IVAP and EMSI) , possesses expertise in postmortem examination, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, ultrastructural pathology, molecular pathology and handling of different Light Microscopes, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes and also different Microtomes. Significantly contributed in teaching and guiding UG & PG (48) and PhD (25) scholars (Major-  10 MVSc and 5 PhD) scholars and also guided C V Raman Fellow of Medical Anatomy PhD scholar from Nigeria, M.Sc (BioTech) scholar of SPMVV-Tirupati. Published 175 scientific articles in NAAS and Impact factor Journals, 496 citations and 11 h index and authored few practical manuals (UG, PG, and EM); developed e-course of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis (VLD) along with TANUVAS, and CDROM for Pathology, published one book chapter in Current Status of Research in Biosciences (2020), and resource person for EMSI workshops. Analyzed several biological samples from ICRISAT, Bharat BioTech, IICT, CCMB, CDFD, IISc, NIN, IIL, OMC and various corporate hospitals (AIG, Care Globa etc.,). Guest speaker in a number of National / International and platforms; panel member in electronic media; external examiner, paper setter, thesis evaluator of various Universities; syllabus designer, paper setter and expert panel member for TSPSC, J&KPSC and screening committee member for selection and promotion of Faculty, Scientists at NIAB, ICAR-DPR, Veterinary Universities. Shoulderd confidential duties (ARS-NET) assigned by ICAR, Research and Advisory Committee (RAC) member of ICAR-CIRG- Makdoom and reviewer for several NAAS rating and Impact Factor journals. Recently(November-2022) he successfully organized International Veterinary Pathology Confress-2022.

          Awarded with ICAR Junior Fellowship in Gynecology (1994- not availed); Rythunestam (2017); Fellow of Electron Microscopy Society of India(2020); Global Management-Best Teacher Award (2020); IAVP-Best teacher Award (2020); Fellowship India Association of Veterinary Pathologists (2021) and VD Good Technology Factory- Outstanding Scientist Award (2021). Global Economic and Progress Research Association- Bharath Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Gold Medal Award (2021).
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30 Years of Excellence
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Whisper Valley, Jubilee Hills, Hyd - 33, TS, India.

# 3-5-243, Naryanguda, Opp - Melkote park,
Narayanguda, Hyd - 29, TS, India. Ph. No: +91 9059055327

Phone:  +91 9100548181, +91 9100578181  

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